I love meeting the perfect synchronicities between music and film. – Vinco Zierowan


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Première shortmovie: Ping Pong Supernova – Capten Hero

Our dreams are built with the same matter as our reality.

A short experimental moving image recording of a cinematic and musical journey through-out abstract colors and theatrical movement attempting to merge internet-cinema with abstract hip hop influences.
Breaking the frame of surreal cinema, away from classical narration looking for liquidity and layers through body-painted mannequins, carefully placed compositions and digital symbolism.
Love for the mystery, looking for the fragmentation and the de-fragmentation of a medium, away from chronology – looking for coincidence to direct this movie,
We are searching for the abstract truth in realism, artificiality is in our nature.
In this movie the human body is key, and death must be a transformation.

About the maker
Vinco Zierowan is a young artist home in multidisciplinary fields such as installation art, (live-) painting, hip hop music and experimental movies.
Co-founder of CHPT.01 collective, collaborated as a videoclip director for multiple music labels such as Sony, The sound of Uk & Van Guarde records.
Ping Pong Supernova could be considered as a debut art house production after 5 years of experimental film and art studies.

About the musician
Loucka Fiagan (Sadu) is a 23 year old artist, member of the multidisciplinary collective chapter one / CHPT01 and currently living in Brussels. He studies Sociology and Anthropology at the Faculties de Saint Louis as well as being a performer, musician and writer. In these last years Loucka has performed and co-directed plays, spoken words, interventions in spaces such as the ING art center, the Wiels, Zinnema and the KVS. He is currently working on his personal EP under the pseudonym of Sadu, a performance with immersive sound and video installation with the Belgian artist Oscar Cassamajor, a research project around symbols with Ophelie Friberg and the musical movie Ping Pong Supernova alongside with Vinco.

Directors statement
I’ve always been fascinated by mysterious worlds, the transition between reality and the surreal. I love meeting the perfect synchronicities between music and film.
I love to improvise behind the camera and feel scenes and colors rather than direct them.
Transform mistakes into happy accidents, much of my work is realized through a very accidental way of working.
It’s true that my movies are completely adjusted, edited, shaped, reshaped,and sometimes even abused on the editing table. It’s kind of my way of how I liked working for this project.
There’s not been a script for this movie, but a book of little oil-paintings that have conducted every scene. Consider it as a kind of storyboard but a really abstract storyboard maybe…
I like that people are aware of the fact that they are watching a movie, I don’t want them to be absorbed into the screen as if they are not aware of the distance between the work and themselves.
In fact I really love to enlarge the distance between the audience and the characters in my movies at some points to feel alienated from the world they are looking at.
I like to challenge my spectators; ranging from people without any art-eduction to the cinéfile and art critic with a little sidetone: – Don’t take my work too seriously as the experiment comes in the first place.

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03.04 I 19:00

Cinema Galeries
Galerie de la Reine 26
1000 Bruxelles

5 €

Buy tickets for PING PONG SUPER NOVA